Letreiramento e diagramação de elementos linguísticos — balões de fala, recordatórios, onomatopeias e afins — para o mangá A Heroica Lenda de Arslan, da autora japonesa Hiromu Arakawa, lançado no Brasil pela Editora JBC. Confira mais detalhes sobre a obra aqui: Editora JBC.
Lettering and layout of linguistic elements — speech bubbles, reminders, onomatopoeia and the like — for the manga The Heroic Legend of Arslan, by Japanese author Hiromu Arakawa, released in Brazil by JBC publishing house. Retouching of artwork was also part of the job due to the translation from Japanese to Portuguese. Check out more details about the work at JBC website: https://editorajbc.com.br/mangas/colecao/a-heroica-lenda-de-arslan/.